Business Practices Manuals

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Effective Date: 06/06/2024

BPM 001 for Market Registration details the steps to become a Market Participant and processes to comply with the MISO Tariff.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • How does a company/organization become a Market Participant?
  • What is the Market Participation Qualification process?
  • What are the Credit Requirements to become a Market Participant?
  • What is Asset Registration?

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Effective Date: 09/30/2024

BPM 002 covers the Energy Market rules, design and operational elements of both MISO's Day-Ahead Energy and Operating Reserve Market and Real-Time Markets. This BPM also explains how the MISO Market complies with our Tariff, Reliability, NERC and ERO standards.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the basic concepts of MISO's Energy and Operating Reserve Markets?
  • What are the roles of MISO and the Market Participants in the Energy and Operating Reserve's Market?
  • Where does a Market Participant go to find out Market Rules, Hours of Operation and guidelines related to the Market Tariff?
  • What are the Energy and Operating Reserve Market Products?

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Effective Date: 07/31/2024

BPM 004 focuses on guidelines, rules and business processes for MISO's Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) and Auction Revenue Rights (ARRs). This BPM explains how to participate in the monthly auctions, as well as rules and processes necessary to participate in the auctions. The BPM also explains the criteria necessary for Market Participant participation in the auctions.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What is an ARR and FTR?
  • How are ARR and FTRs acquired or terminated?
  • How do I establish Credit to participate in the auctions?
  • What are the business rules of each Market Settlement process?
  • Where do I go in the Portal to participate in the ARR/FTR process?

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Effective Date: 07/25/2024

BPM 005 covers Market Participant statements, invoicing and Market Disputes. The BPM is also accompanied by a Market Settlement's Calculation Guide, a Post-Operating Processor Calculation Guide and a MISO Guide to FERC Electric Quarterly (EQR) Reporting.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the responsibilities of the Market Participant?
  • What are the business rules and processes for Market Settlements?
  • When are the Settlement Statements invoiced?
  • Where do I find my Settlement Statements? Invoices and EQR Statements?
  • How do I dispute a Settlement Statement?

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Effective Date: 05/01/2024

BPM –007 for Physical Scheduling explains the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market Rules, the e-tagging process, Spot-in-Market Product and Ramp Reservation System instructions.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the general rules and timelines for Physical Scheduling?
  • What is an Interchange Schedule?
  • What are the market rules pertaining to Interchange Schedules?
  • What is OATI webTrans and how do I access?
  • What is the-e-Tagging Process and where do I submit the reservations?

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Effective Date: 7/7/2024

BPM 008 describes the Market Outage Rules as they pertain to MISO, Transmission Owners (TOs) and Operators, Tariff Customers and other non-MISO members within the MISO Reliability Area who serve as TOs or Generator Operators to coordinate and respond to Planned and Unplanned Outages.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the market rules for Outages?
  • What are the responsibilities for TOs/Operators and/or Generator Owners or Operators to report planned/unplanned outages?
  • How do I schedule Outages?
  • What is CROW and how do I access?

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Effective Date: 8/30/2024

BPM 009 explains the role of the Independent Market Monitor (IMM) in implementing the Market Monitoring and Mitigation Plan and how the Plan affects Market Participants.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the responsibilities of the IMM?
  • What MP data is routinely reported to the IMM?
  • How is the confidentiality of the MP data assured?
  • What are the Mitigation Measures and what are the criteria or thresholds?

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Effective Date: 05/01/2024

BPM 010 describes the Models used for the Energy Management System (EMS) power system and market operations applications and Real-Time data submitted via ICCP. The Network Model is associated with the ICCS and MISO Market system applications.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the Network and Commercial Models and how are they used?
  • What are the differences between the Network and Commercial Models?
  • What do MPs do to contribute to the maintenance of the models?
  • What are CP Nodes and Elemental EP Nodes?
  • What is a Pseudo-tie?

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 Effective Date: 10/01/2024

BPM 011 addresses MISO's and other entities' roles and responsibilities regarding Resource Adequacy. The BPM covers the process used to ensure that LSEs serving Load in the MISO Region have sufficient Planning Resources to meet peak demand and also have an appropriate reserve margin.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • How is Resource Adequacy determined?
  • What are Planning Resources and the Planning Reserve Margin?
  • What are the Resource Adequacy Requirements?
  • What are Local Resource Zones and the Planning Resource Auction?

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Effective Date:  09/01/2024

BPM 012 is specific to MISO’s monthly financial settlement of transmission service under Module B of the Tariff. This BPM is intended to benefit both internal and external readers including MISO employees, MISO Transmission Owners and Customers, MPs, wholesale and retail aggregators.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What is Transmission Settlements?
  • What Tariff Schedules are financially settled through this process?
  • How are the charges calculated for each Schedule?
  • How is revenue distributed for each Schedule?

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Effective Date: 09/29/2023

BPM 013 contains MISO Business Practices in implementing Module B of the MISO Tariff. The BPM addresses how to effectively implement and administratively handle Grandfathered Transmission Service.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What type of Transmission Service is available?
  • How is Transmission Service requested and what are the deadlines?
  • How does Energy scheduling relate to Transmission Service?
  • What is the process for requesting Financial Transmission Rights on the Open Access Real-Time Information Systems (OASIS)?

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Effective Date: 09/01/2024

BPM 014 focuses on Station Power application, metering and data reporting procedures. This BPM explains Schedule 20 as it relates to Schedule 20 billing.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What is Station Power and where is it utilized?
  • What is required for registration and eligibility for Station Power?
  • How are the Station Power Provisions of Schedule 20 implemented?
  • What is involved in Metering in Station Power?
  • How is the monthly Net Output of each Facility on Schedule 20 determined?

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Effective Date: 01/01/2024

BPM 015 contains MISO Business Practices in implementing Attachment X of the MISO Tariff. This BPM explains the four stages of the Generation Interconnection Process.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the four stages of the Generation Interconnection Process?
  • How are the Station Power Provisions of Schedule 20 implemented?
  • What is involved in Metering in Station Power?
  • How is the monthly Net Output of each Facility on Schedule 20 determined?

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Effective Date: 08/01/2024

BPM 017 details the process and steps involved in the dispute resolution process. MISO prepares and maintains the BPM for Transmission Settlements Billing Dispute Resolution as it relates to the procedures to follow when initiating a Transmission Settlements dispute and provides sufficient detail for Transmission Customers and Owners to have a solid understanding of the process.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What is the business process for initiating a billing dispute for Transmission Settlements?
  • What are the business rules and timelines for billing disputes under Transmission Settlements?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of MISO for Transmission Settlements?
  • How do Transmission Customers / Transmission Owners and MISO interact?

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Effective Date: 03/1/2024

BPM 018 outlines the Voltage and Reactive Power Management Process undertaken by MISO and the companies within the MISO footprint in accordance to and beyond the NERC Standards for Transmission Operations (NERC Standard TOP) and Standards for Voltage and Reactive Control (NERC Standard VAR). It examines roles and responsibilities in analyzing, maintaining, monitoring, and controlling voltage levels, reactive resources, and reactive power flows within the MISO footprint.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are roles and responsibilities in analyzing, maintaining, monitoring and controlling voltage levels?
  • What are MISO's responsibilities as the Reliability Coordinator and Market Operator in order to manage and monitor voltage and reactive power?
  • What are the roles of the Transmission Operator and Generator Operator?
  • What are the Real-Time Voltage Assessment and Real-Time Voltage Contingency Analysis Processes?

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Effective Date: 5/10/2024

BPM 019 explains the background information, guidelines, business rules, and MISO processes for the operation and administration of MISO markets, transmission reliability services, and compliance with MISO settlements, billing, and accounting requirements

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What is the Transmission Owner’s Trust?
  • How are Schedule 10 Services assessed?
  • What are the invoice payment methods and terms?
  • If I don’t agree with my invoice, am I required to pay it?

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Effective Date: 08/01/2024

BPM 020 explains the MISO regional transmission planning process which has a goal of the development of a comprehensive expansion plan that meets both reliability and economic expansion needs. The planning process identifies solutions to reliability issues that arise from the expected dispatch of Network Resources. This BPM also explains the requirements and process for the MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP).

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the Transmission Planning Functions and Cycles?
  • What are the requirements for a project to be categorized in either Appendix A, B, or C of the MTEP and the process by which projects progress through these Appendices.
  • What are the steps involved in the Model Development process?
  • What are the roles of the Transmission Owner, Generation Owner, Load-Serving Entities, Transmission Customers, Regional Transmission Owners and other Stakeholder (including Regulatory Commissions) in the MTEP process?

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Effective Date: 07/01/2024

BPM 021 provides an overview of the three general categories of prices developed by MISO Transmission Pricing: Base Transmission Service Prices, Ancillary Service Prices, and Local Balancing Authority Area Operator Cost Prices.

This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the Base Transmission and Ancillary Services Prices?
  • What is Attachment O?
  • Is there an Attachment O timeline?
  • Where do I find a list of Rate Schedules?

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Effective Date: 3/7/2024

BPM 022 describes the qualifications and compensation of Blackstart Units that are capable of providing Blackstart Service in accordance with Schedule 33 of the Open Access Transmission, Energy and Operating Reserve Markets Tariff for MISO, Inc. (Tariff).
This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the qualifications for providing Blackstart Service?
  • What are the technical requirements necessary for a unit to be included in the Transmission Operator’s System Restoration Plan?
  • What are the criteria for testing a Blackstart Unit periodically in accordance with the NERC System Restoration and Blackstart reliability standards?
  • What is the process for calculation, rate calculation and revenue distribution for Blackstart Service?

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Effective Date: 11/01/2023

BPM 023 provides an overview of the Alternative Dispute Resolution process and details related to the process for alternative dispute resolution for matters arising under MISO’s Tariff, Rate Schedules and other BPMs, where applicable.
This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the different kinds of disputes that can be filed?
  • What is the role of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee?
  • How is a dispute initiated? What is the process or steps?
  • What is involved in the mediation process?

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Effective Date: 10/01/2024

BPM 025 defines the forecast methodology, the various inputs that are considered for getting the forecast, and various assumptions made regarding forecast processes wherever applicable.
This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • Where are the forecast data published and from where can they be accessed?
  • What are the forecast processes and who uses the forecasts?
  • What are the requirements for the wind generation forecast for Dispatchable Intermittent Resources (DIR) implementation?
  • What are the requirements for Local Balancing Authorities (LBA), Transmission Owners (TO) and Reliability Coordinator Customers?

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Effective Date: 10/01/2024

BPM 026 provides Market Participants with the information needed to understand the purpose and application of Demand Response (DR) within the MISO Region and covers the rules, design, and operational elements governing the implementation of the various types of demand response within MISO’s Day-Ahead and Real-Time Energy and Operating Reserve Markets. The BPM also describes how demand response resources can be accredited with Planning Reserve Credits and can be dispatched to interrupt their loads during system emergencies.
This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • What are the basic concepts of Demand Response and the benefits to be derived from Demand Response?
  • Who is eligible to Provide Demand Response?
  • What are the types of Demand Response Services?
  • What are Demand Response Resources (DRR) and what are the qualifications for DRRs?
  • What is an Aggregator of Retail Customers (ARC) and what are the criteria for eligibility?

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Effective Date: 4/1/2024

BPM 027 describes MISO’s processes for qualifying and selecting transmission developers to implement Competitive Transmission Projects and own, operate, and maintain associated Competitive Transmission Facilities. Competitive Transmission Projects and Competitive Transmission Facilities cannot be subject to a right of first refusal in accordance with the MISO Tariff, the Owners Agreement, and Applicable Laws and Regulations.
This BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • How is the selection process defined?
  • What projects are eligible?
  • What is the Annual Transmission Developer Prequalification Process?
  • What is the timeline for review and processing?

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Effective Date: 4/1/2024

BPM 029 describes MISO’s processes for determining minimum scope requirements for Competitive Transmission Line Facilities and Competitive Substation Facilities that are included within the scope of Competitive Transmission Projects. These minimum scope requirements will be specified in the Request for Proposal and will include minimum transmission line ratings, minimum substation equipment and bus load ratings, minimum circuit breaker interrupting ratings, bus configuration and position assignment constraints, and substation equipment protection requirements. This BPM also outlines requirements that must be followed by RFP Respondents in calculating transmission line ratings to be specified within the Proposals they submit in response to an issued Request for Proposal.

The BPM benefits readers who want answers to the following questions:

  • How does MISO determine minimum load ratings for Competitive Transmission Line Facilities?
  • How does MISO determine minimum load ratings for equipment and buses within Competitive Substation Facilities?
  • How does MISO determine minimum interrupting ratings for circuit breakers within Competitive Substation Facilities?
  • How does MISO determine bus configuration and position assignment constraints for Competitive Substation Facilities?
  • What are the minimum substation equipment protection requirements for Competitive Substation Facilities?
  • How should RFP Respondents calculate transmission line load ratings to ensure they meet the minimum transmission line load rating requirements specified in the RFP?