MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP)

The annual MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) is the culmination of a comprehensive, stakeholder-inclusive planning process to build and maintain an electric infrastructure to meet local and regional reliability standards, enable competition among wholesale capacity and energy suppliers in the MISO markets, and allow for competition among transmission developers. 

MTEP includes projects from local reliability planning, regional (or long range transmission planning), and interregional planning.

The annual MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) provides value for customers by ensuring a cost-effective, reliable system that supports policy requirements. Transmission owners submit projects designed to address local reliability issues, aging equipment, load growth and generator interconnection needs, and ensure compliance with NERC standards.  Projects are vetted through an 18-month process with more than 75 stakeholder meetings, including a series of public Subregional Planning Meetings (SPM) for each MISO subregion and additional Technical Study Task Force (TSTF) meetings. Since 2003, nearly $60 billion in projects have been approved.

The annual plan is reviewed by the Planning Advisory Committee which recommends approval by MISO’s System Planning Committee of the Board of Directors. The full Board of Directors provides final approval each December.

In its planning approach, MISO follows its Tariff, NERC reliability standards, and standards adopted by Regional Reliability Organizations. Guiding Principles that were adopted by MISO’s Board with stakeholder input also provide overarching direction to MISO as it fulfills its planning obligations. Full details about MISO’s comprehensive planning process can be found in its Transmission Planning Business Practices Manual (BPM-020).

Guiding Principles

MTEP Project Types

After being vetted through the planning process, MTEP Appendix A projects typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • Baseline Reliability Projects (BRP), which are required to meet standards for both North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and local reliability
  • Generator Interconnection Projects (GIP) are needed to reliably connect new generation to the transmission grid.
  • Market Efficiency Projects (MEP) address congestion within the MISO region or as an interregional project along the seam.
  • Market Participant Funded Projects (MPFP) provide network upgrades fully funded by a Market Participant, but owned and operated by an incumbent transmission owner.
  • Multi-Value Projects (MVP) top-down projects developed by MISO through Long Range Transmission Planning with stakeholder input to address regional public policy, economic and/or reliability benefits.
  • Other Projects address local reliability issues and/or provide local economic benefits but don’t meet the threshold to qualify as Market Efficiency Projects.
  • Targeted Market Efficiency Projects (TMEP) are low-cost interregional projects with short lead times to relieve known market-to-market congestion.
  • Transmission Deliverability Service Projects (TDSP) are network upgrades required to facilitate long term point-to-point transmission service request.

The 2024 MISO Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP24) comprehensively addresses local reliability (traditional MTEP), regional and interregional needs across the entire MISO footprint. The full plan proposes approximately $30 billion of investment:

  • Local reliability: 459 projects totaling $6.7B 
  • Regional (LRTP Tranche 2.1): 24 projects totaling $21.8B
  • Interregional/Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ): 5 projects totaling $1.65B

Projects submitted for MTEP are vetted through an 18-month process that begins in June of the year prior to approval. New MTEP projects must be submitted by September 15th each year for the next MTEP study cycle. Alternatives to these MTEP projects must be submitted by the latter of May 31st or by the Second Subregional Planning Meeting (SPM2). For more information on schedules and requirements, see MTEP Information Exchange Schedules and Requirements.

MTEP Portal

Throughout the application process, and after approval during a project’s lifecycle, project information is captured and reported through MISO’s MTEP Portal. The MTEP Portal can be accessed in the MISO Help Center. For detailed instructions on how to access and use the tool, see the MTEP Portal User Guide

Transmission Owners can reach out to their MISO Expansion Planner representative to receive additional support as needed.

Market Participant Funded Projects

Non transmission owners who need to submit Market Participant Funded Projects for MTEP will need to do so using the Market Participant Funded Project Request Form

Expedited Project Review Request

Some circumstances require projects to be approved prior to the next annual MTEP cycle. Transmission owners may justify an Expedited Project Review (EPR) study if it will help drive a timely response to a significant load additions or other new system needs that require budgeting, regulatory milestones, construction and other project development support prior to approval of the next MTEP.  Submit requests using the Expedited Project Review Request Form.

Project Alternative Submission

The MTEP process will consider proposed alternative solutions to Transmission Owners submitted projects. Entities interested in proposing alternatives are required to complete and submit the MTEP Project Alternative Submittal Form.

Contact the Expansion Planning Team with any questions or issues.

MTEP project information is updated quarterly by transmission owners and monitored by MISO utilizing the MTEP Portal, which provides historical and the most current reports and data. The MTEP application process is also managed through the MTEP Portal.

Project Lists and Status Reports

Several status reports on approved MTEP Appendix A projects and projects under evaluation are always available in the MTEP Portal. Quarterly project updates are available in the Documents section found at the bottom of this web page. Other reports include the following:

Variance Analysis

MISO monitors project approved in MTEP Appendix A to determine if certain circumstances or events may significantly affect the cost, schedule and or the ability of selected developers and transmission owners to continue the designated eligible project.

If potential issues are discovered, MISO may perform a three-phase variance analysis to further understand the reasons for such circumstances or events and to evaluate any potential impacts that they may have on the successful completion of the project or on the transmission system. Learn more about this process in the MISO Tariff, Attachment FF, Section IX

Schedule 26 and 26A Indicative Reports

MISO produces indicative forecasts of Schedule 26 and 26-A annual charges (by MISO Pricing Zone) for cost-shared projects approved by MTEP. Indicative Schedule 26 annual charges are based on approved Baseline Reliability Projects, Generation Interconnection Projects, Market Efficiency Projects, and Targeted Market Efficiency Projects. Indicative Schedule 26-A annual charges are based on approved Multi-Value Projects. 

These reports are typically updated annually in the second quarter. Values are intended to be indicative only, should not be relied upon for settlement or ratemaking purposes, and are subject to change.


MISO follows an approximate timeline for data requests, postings and email notifications for TPL-001 and planning stakeholder meetings. It roughly follows the 18-month MTEP calendar, beginning in June and ending in December of the following calendar year.

      Month Item
      June Transmission Owners provide any updates to the posted transmission planning criteria and provide any models used to support the identification of proposed projects
      September All project submittals due by the 15th

      First Subregional Planning Meeting (SPM)

      MISO requests steady state contingencies from Transmission Owners


      FERC 715 data filing request form sent


      MISO posts steady state results for single initiating events for Transmission Owner review

      Deadline to submit project alternatives by the 31st

      Second Subregional Planning Meeting (SPM)


      Second Subregional Planning Meeting (SPM)

      MISO posts steady state results for P3-P6 events for Transmission Owner review


      TPL-001, MISO posts transient results for Transmission Owner Review

      Third Subregional Planning Meeting (SPM)

      November TPL-001, MISO posts extreme events steady state results for Transmission Owner review
      December MISO posts MTEP confidential appendices

      Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

      System Planning Committee (SPC)

      Subregional Planning Meetings (SPM)

      Planning Subcommittee (PSC)

      Modeling User Group (MUG)

      Regional Expansion Criteria and Benefits Working Group (RECBWG)

      Interconnection Process Working Group (IPWG)

      Frequently Asked Questions:

      1. How do I access reliability models? Models are posted on the MISO FTP. To request FTP access, please fill out the access request form and request "FTP Sites." 

      2. How do I access MTEP transmission maps? There are two ways to access the MTEP transmission maps. The first is to fill out the access request form and request "Maps." 

      3. How do I access the MTEP Portal? Instructions to access the MTEP Portal are available in the Help Center.

      Please note: To fill out the access request form, a MISO website login is required. To receive FTP access, appropriate CEII NDAs and UNDAs must be on file. Additional information about NDA forms can be found on the Client Services and Readiness page. 

      Contact the Expansion Planning Team with any questions or issues.

      Related Documents

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