The work MISO does each day in the areas of grid reliability, grid planning, and our energy markets ensures that the 45 million people living in the MISO region have access to reliable, least-cost electricity 24/7/365. MISO’s Value Proposition documents how we also unlock billions of dollars in annual benefits for the region.
MISO’s market efficiencies and regional coordination delivered an estimated $5.1 billion in annual benefits, with cumulative savings surpassing $50 billion since 2007. For every dollar spent on MISO membership, participants realize $15 in benefits.
This benefit is expected to increase in the coming years as members implement their renewable generation and decarbonization goals.
The value of MISO was realized shortly after the energy-only market began in 2005. To quantify this value, MISO – in collaboration with its stakeholders – created the MISO Value Proposition in 2007. The Value Proposition breaks MISO’s business model into recognized categories of benefits and calculates a range of dollar values for each defined category.
MISO’s Value Proposition affirms our core belief that a collective, region-wide approach to grid planning and management delivers the greatest benefits. Our landmark analysis serves as a model for other grid operators and transparently communicates the benefits of MISO membership in everything we do.