Transmission Settlements Billing

The monthly transmission settlements process financially settles transmission customers’ use of the MISO transmission system and its mandated, non-competitive ancillary services. Customer charges for transmission and ancillary services are calculated based upon the FERC-approved Tariff, and collected funds are distributed to transmission owners and providers of the mandated ancillary services. 

2025 Transmission Settlements Billing Cycle Key Dates

Transmission Settlements follows a calendar-month billing cycle during the first five business days of the month. MP and CLF files are used as billing determinants in the charge calculations and must be submitted to MISO by 12:00 p.m. on the 3rd business day. Preliminary and final billing statements are available on day 2 and day 5 of the billing cycle.

 Billing Cycle Timeline

Item Due Date
Network Integration Service (NITS) peak load file due 1st business day of the month by 11:30 a.m.
Preliminary settlement distributed (Day 2 run) 2nd business day of the month
NITS peak load file due for final settlements 3rd business day of the month by 12 p.m. If not received, estimated values will be used.
Final settlement distributed (Day 5 run) 5th business day of the month
Payment due Terms are net 7 upon receipt of invoice
Payments distributed 24-48 hours after receipt of payment unless the following day is a Friday, weekend, bank holiday, or MISO observed holiday. In that case, payment is due the next business day.
Last day to enter Transmission Settlements dispute 120 days after date of invoice

Transmission Owners upload Monthly Peak (MP), Pass Through Billing (SP) and Monthly Load Factor (CLF) files via MISO's Market Portal. Formatting requirements and example .txt files provide guidance on proper file submission. The upload user guide outlines procedures for obtaining access to the portal and for navigating through the application. 

Upload User Guide

SP -- Pass Through Billing

MP -- Monthly Peak Load Meter Data

CLF -- Monthly Load Factor Data

MISO's Market Portal is the tool for downloading preliminary and final Transmission Settlements billing statements. The download user guide outlines procedures for obtaining access to the portal and for navigating through the application. The EIS specification document provides a means to download transmission settlements statement details into market participants' own settlement systems.

Download User Guide

Statement EIS Specification

The type of service taken dictates which schedules will be billed. Transmission Settlements bills based on the SINK of the reservation and uses rates developed for that pricing zone.

Determine which schedules will be billed

Estimate charges and revenue

Rate Calculation

The Transmission Settlements dispute resolution process exists to resolve disputes between the Transmission Customer/Owner and MISO on an invoice or Open Invoice Status Report (OISR). Charge disputes can cover calculation methodology or billing determinant data. Revenue disputes can cover the revenue distribution methodology. Disputes must be submitted no later than 120 days from date of invoice to be considered for further evaluation.

Initiate a dispute through the Help Center.