Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy ensures there is enough available power to meet peak demand at all times. It is a key function of MISO. MISO serves as an intermediary between energy sellers and buyers in its region through the Planning Resource Auction. MISO’s resource adequacy construct complements the jurisdiction that regulatory authorities have in determining the necessary level of adequacy. It also works in concert utilities that provide demand forecasts that help drive the development of local and regional requirements. MISO began determining resource adequacy on a seasonal, rather than annual, basis in Fall 2022. 

See BPM-011 Resource Adequacy for more information on resource adequacy and processes.

Related Documents

Seasonal Construct Additional Information

Training and knowledge resources are available through the Help Center  and MISO Learning Mamagent System.

Knowledge Articles:   

How to Access Customer Connectivity Environment (CCE) KA-01319

Registrations in MECT

  1. Registering an External Resource KA-01357
  2. Registering a BTMG KA-01351
  3. Registering a Demand Response Resource KA-01355
  4. Registering an Energy Efficiency KA-01356

MECT Screens: 

       Seasonal Accredited Capacity Displays Doc KA-01320

 PowerGADS/GVTC Resources 

  1. How to Access and Use PowerGADS KA-01364
  2. PowerGADS FAQ KA-01343
  3. Net Capacity Verification Test KA-01344

For questions and support please create a case through our Help Center.

The annual Planning Resource Auction (PRA) demonstrates sufficient resources and allows market participants to sell capacity, via an auction, to other market participants who may expect a shortfall. MISO sets the capacity requirements in its region for each season of the June 1 to May 31 time period.

MISO bases the region’s energy needs, including a planning reserve margin, on multiple studies including members’ demand forecasts for peak use. It determines the reserve margin from the annual Loss of Load Expectation study. MISO accepts auction offers the last four business days of March, applies constraints calculators, then approves or rejects the transactions within the first 20 business days of April.

The annual Regional Resource Assessment (RRA) uses publicly shared plans and goals of the region's electric utilities to develop a forward-looking view of the evolving resource mix across the MISO region. This collection of data provides utilities, state regulatory agencies, and MISO with better insight into the expected resource changes over the coming years. This, in turn, assists stakeholders with the critical information needed to plan the grid of the future and ensure the continued flow of reliable, low-cost electricity.

MISO scores generation sources quarterly to determine the net amount of transmission capacity MISO can reasonably expect from them. The Seasonal Accredited Capacity (SAC) score, in megawatts, accounts for various variabilities such as peak load, reserve margin, plant performance and plant history. For more information on SAC, visit our Knowledge Base.

Templates and Information

SAC Calculation Central North

SAC Calculation South

How to access Schedule 53 SAC Validation files in the Market Portal

How to Use the Resource Adequacy SAC Unit Template (Video)

MECT Tool Changes for Seasonal Accredited Capacity (Video) 

RA Seasonal Accredited Capacity FAQ (KA-01373)

MECT Seasonal Accredited Capacity Displays (KA-01320)

SAC Resolution Process (KA-01376) 

Introduction to Seasonal Accredited Capacity

MISO conducts and issues resource assessments in advance of each season that evaluate potential resource adequacy risks for the upcoming season. These informational assessments evaluate projected near-term available capacity under probable and extreme peak load forecasts and historical generator outage conditions for each season. The assessments highlight potential issues in the upcoming seasons to help system operators and stakeholders prepare for potential strained system conditions and develop preventative actions.

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